

Overview Description Understanding Exits is crucial for identifying pages or screens where users are most likely to end their sessions.


Overview Description The Entrances metric is essential for understanding how users are finding and starting their journeys on your website

Event Value

Overview Definition Event Value in Google Analytics 4 is the aggregate of the ‘value’ parameters assigned to various events, representing

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Ecommerce Purchase Quantity

Overview Definition Ecommerce Purchase Quantity represents the total number of units purchased across all items within a single eCommerce transaction

Engaged Sessions

Overview Description This metric provides a quantitative measure of user engagement by counting the number of sessions that demonstrate significant

Engagement Rate

Overview Definition Engagement Rate in Google Analytics quantifies the percentage of all sessions that are considered engaged sessions, in contrast

Event Count

Overview What is Event Count in Google Analytics 4? Event Count in Google Analytics refers to the total number of


Overview What are Events in Google Analytics 4? Events in Google Analytics 4 allow for the tracking of specific interactions